Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2012

Akai ito ~ meaning words

Akai ito
- Episode 1 -
God tied you and I together by your little fingers with a long red string.
This Bond of destiny can`t be seen.
and there is no map to you
So i will fall in love to you

- Episode 2-
What is the boundary between being friends and being lovers?
Perhaps you only find out once you`ve crossed it
My love, it may have started that day

- Episode 3 -
Our first encounter was by chance...
Our second meeting was destiny ...
If this true,
is it also our destiny to pass each other by?

- Episode 4 -
Why is it? why is it...
That we think it`s so important,
that we live without hurting anyone, i wonder?

- Episode 5 -
You can`t put your true feelings into words
I can't express my important feelings
If the two of us could exchange the feelings in our hearts would we see...
Would we see that destiny was on our side?

- Episode 6 -
There's so much i want to tell you
There's so much i want to hear you
But, if after learning everything, our love breaks...
Then I'd rather be as I am now

- Episode 7 -
When I think about my friends...
When i think about the one i like...
There's something important that's always just out of sight...
Is there really anything out there I can count on?

- Episode 8 -
I never even realized...
so many people were there protecting me.
The important thing was that I was had to lose them to realize it.

- Episode 11 -
Is everyone doing well?